Submission details

Art is an explosion that reveals itself for a moment before it disappears to oblivion; contrary to that it can also be eternal, perpetual, and immortal just like Mother Nature herself. At Commonplace, art is anything and everything that comes from the heart of the artist. Art is an artist’s soul that cannot be captured, but can be felt through poetry, short stories, dramas, even boring essays and ridiculous notices like the one you are reading right now!

Please submit your work in the form of an attachment to our email address We enjoy variety. We are looking for short fiction, creative non-fiction, poems in any form, and short play scenes that are not more than 3000 words. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Each contributor is limited two works per category.

Your email should contain: Your name/Pen name, title of your work, type of submission (flash fiction, poetry, etc) and a brief biography. Bios must not be longer than a paragraph. All written work must be submitted in single spaced format, 12-14pt size, and in a readable font. All files need to be in DOCX format.


मील के पत्थर

अपना शहर और रंगमंच

बैसाख का महीना - निशान्त

Bandukbaz Babumoshay : the cult it could have been.