Bandukbaz Babumoshay : the cult it could have been.

Vast deserted wastelands, two cheeky killers, some selfish politicians/mafia trying to usurp power, a couple of freewheeling women, a lot of guns and bullets and sharp dialogues entwined in a plot which showed promise at least in the first half - bandukbaz babumoshay had all the potential in the world to become a cult in a genre defining way. 

It could have been a tarantino flick - american west like in all its splendour with all the black humour, the accent, the abuse and unique characters. 

the first half got me very excited - the main anti-hero pretty tight about his rules of killing, a sidekick wanting to be better than the guru, their tussels, the sex - in my heart i started rooting for a convulated version of a sort of batman-jason todd thing- vigilantes, only contract killers, on adventures in an indian version of american west, dealing with love, politics and police. 

is it too wrong to dream? 

what started with a brilliant nawaz - too much in ease , to the point that it often seems repetitive on his part, and a good story unfurling - the last two acts of the film seemed falling apart. i often found myself yearning for "keh ke loonga" track from GOW, as the music could not compete.

the killings in the last half an hour seemed too easy, the surprise in the climax seemed heavy and not at all exciting and once we got that out of the way , the ending had no surprises whatsoever. 

i wonder if there are the director cuts of these films where they shed the necessity of moral correctness,  straight jacketed explanatory conclusions and rugged stereotyping of characters and make them the way they want to because who is a genius in the first half of the film must remain so in the second half. after all, it is the same person or people who is behind the camera or who is writing? 

the actors were in place - most of them at least, treating their material with appropriate correctness and dedication, the music at times appealed.

the editing could have helped condensing - too many kids, an unnecessary scene at the butcher even if it was a homage to GOW,  and too many policemen dying in the end did not favour the overall structure of the film

but what could have begun as the adventures of babu bihari and banke bihari got all entangled in itself and yet 

in an industry where Cinema generally is not an art in itself, serious viewers seldom go to the theater to watch a hindi film, generally never expecting more than a few punch lines and a couple of rap-mixed loud soundtracks can watch this one for both biharis, the inspector with the piles problem, dubey, fulwa and the inspector who fell in love with the female politician. 

3 stars - all earned for the way the director set up the story, with that kind of cast, you know acting is not going to be the main concern.

(anchit writes. )


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